"Ski Area Expansion"
The 1,000-acre Tamarack Saddle LLC Development has been calling itself the Mission Ridge Ski Area Expansion. This is a misnomer. Calling it a "ski area expansion" is marketing to get community buy-in from all of us who love Mission Ridge Ski Area. What it glosses over is the fact this real estate project would be the equivalent of putting the City of Chelan (population ~4,200) on the top of the Stemilt & Squilchuck Basins. Or, being conservative if it only achieves half occupancy, consider putting Cashmere or Leavenworth on top of Mission Ridge. Thousands of year-round residents where currently there is only seasonal day use. This isn't a ski area expansion. This is a high-density, urban-style development.
The information below is taken directly from the Tamarack's proposal documents. Is this what we want Mission Ridge to look like?

Residential & Lodging Development
Condos, Townhomes, and Duplexes
Employee Housing
80 Beds
Single Family Detached Units
Overnight Lodge
57 Rooms
Commercial Development
110,00 sq. ft.
Barber/Beauty Shops
Gas Station
Grocery Stores
Additional Quotes from Expansion Proposal
"Opportunities for recreation such as camping, horseback riding, zip lines, Alpine coasters, and others will be explored."
"The resort village core is characterized by a mixed-use development that includes overnight accommodation, skier services, commercial space and pedestrian areas..."
{Photos in this section are taken directly from the Tamarack Saddle proposal}

"Buildings will have an average of 3.5 to 4 floors, which allows for variation in the roofline and stepping down of the building height around pedestrian plazas and public space."

"The single-family homes are fully detached units with a private driveway, carport or garage. In resort base areas, these units are typically designed for larger groups and families and are usually designed to sleep 7-10 people."

Be sure to check out these sources, where you can see all of the details about the proposed village for yourself!